Bridgestone Tyres Winter Promo

Bridgestone, a global leader in tire manufacturing, approached us to boost their sales of winter tires in a highly competitive market. The challenge was to increase awareness and drive conversions during the winter season, particularly in regions prone to severe weather conditions.

Client: Brigestone
Marketing stategy
Web production
Date: November '2022

About the Project

The Challenge

The primary goals were to:

  • Increase brand awareness for Bridgestone's winter tire range.
  • Drive qualified traffic to Bridgestone's website and local dealerships.
  • Boost sales of winter tires during the critical winter period.
With a market crowded with competing brands and varying levels of consumer awareness about the benefits of winter tires, Bridgestone needed a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to stand out and achieve these objectives.

Our Approach

To meet Bridgestone's goals, we developed a multi-faceted digital marketing strategy that included the following key components: Targeted Digital Advertising:

  • Utilized PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns on Google Ads and Bing Ads to capture intent-driven searches related to winter tires.
  • Implemented social media advertising across Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to reach a broader audience and raise awareness.
  • Content Marketing & SEO:
  • Created a series of informative blog posts and articles highlighting the benefits of winter tires, safety tips, and comparisons with all-season tires.
  • Optimized Bridgestone's website content with relevant keywords to improve organic search rankings and drive organic traffic.
  • Email Marketing Campaign:
  • Designed and executed a segmented email campaign targeting existing customers and potential leads with personalized offers and discounts.
  • Partnerships & Influencers:
  • Collaborated with automotive influencers and bloggers to review Bridgestone's winter tires and share their experiences on social media platforms.
  • Landing Pages & Conversion Optimization:
  • Developed dedicated landing pages for the winter tire promotion, optimized for conversions with clear calls-to-action (CTAs) and easy access to local dealers.
  • Analytics & Reporting:
  • Set up comprehensive tracking and analytics to monitor campaign performance, adjusting strategies in real-time for optimal results.


The Solution

The integrated digital marketing campaign delivered impressive results, exceeding the initial goals set by Bridgestone:

  • Brand Awareness:
  • The campaign achieved a 30% increase in brand awareness, as evidenced by increased search volumes for Bridgestone winter tires and heightened social media engagement.
  • Website Traffic & Engagement:
  • There was a 45% increase in website traffic to the winter tires section, with a notable uptick in organic search traffic due to effective SEO strategies.
  • Sales & Conversion Rates:
  • The targeted advertising and optimized landing pages resulted in a 20% increase in winter tire sales during the campaign period.
  • The PPC campaigns generated a 15% conversion rate, significantly above industry averages for automotive products.
  • Customer Engagement:
  • The email marketing campaign saw an open rate of 25% and a click-through rate of 10%, leading to substantial traffic and conversions.
  • Influencer & Social Media Impact:
  • Collaborations with influencers led to over 100,000 social media impressions and increased engagement with the brand's social media profiles.


Results & Impact

The campaign resonated deeply with the target audience, propelling Alliance beyond the realm of mere.

  • Increased brand awareness: Alliance transitioned from a niche brand to a symbol of mindful living and connection, resonating far beyond the market.
  • Thriving #MomentsUncapped community: The campaign sparked a vibrant online and offline movement, with thousands sharing their stories and connecting over shared values.
  • Boosted sales and distribution: Alliance saw a significant increase in sales, expanding their reach to new channels and markets.
  • Industry recognition: The campaign garnered awards for its emotional storytelling and focus on mindful living, cementing Alliance's position as a pioneer in the industry.

We knew Alliance wasn't selling a product; they were offering an experience. We delved deep into their core values: mindful consumption, connection, and savoring life's simple pleasures. We analyzed the competitive landscape, understanding the cold, utilitarian language that dominated the market.

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