Amnesty International

Amnesty International, a leading non-profit organization dedicated to human rights advocacy, sought to raise awareness and mobilize action around pressing global human rights issues.

Client: Amnesty International
Service: Web production
Date: December '2022

About the Project

The Challenge

The organization faced several challenges, including:

  • Awareness: Increasing public awareness about complex and often underreported human rights violations worldwide.
  • Engagement: Engaging a diverse audience, including young people, to support campaigns and take action.
  • Mobilization: Converting awareness into tangible actions, such as petition signatures, donations, and active participation in campaigns.
The overarching goal was to create a compelling digital presence that would not only inform but also inspire and empower individuals to make a difference.

Our Approach

To address these challenges, we developed a comprehensive digital marketing strategy tailored to Amnesty International's mission and objectives. The strategy included the following key elements: Content Strategy & Storytelling:

  • Developed emotionally resonant content that highlighted individual stories and case studies, making the issues more relatable and impactful.
  • Produced a mix of blog posts, video content, infographics, and social media posts to educate and engage the audience.
  • Social Media Campaigns:
  • Leveraged social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, to amplify the reach of Amnesty's campaigns.
  • Implemented hashtag campaigns and social challenges to increase user-generated content and community involvement.
  • Email Marketing & Advocacy Campaigns:
  • Launched segmented email campaigns targeting supporters with personalized messages and calls to action, such as signing petitions or attending events.
  • Created automated email sequences for onboarding new supporters and keeping them engaged over time.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Paid Advertising:
  • Optimized Amnesty International’s website for search engines to increase organic traffic, focusing on key issues and campaigns.
  • Ran Google Ad Grants campaigns to promote critical petitions and donation drives, maximizing reach without incurring advertising costs.
  • Partnerships & Collaborations:
  • Partnered with influencers, celebrities, and other organizations to expand the campaign's reach and credibility.
  • Organized online events and webinars featuring notable human rights activists and experts.
  • Analytics & Continuous Improvement:
  • Implemented comprehensive analytics tools to track the performance of various campaigns, monitoring metrics such as engagement, conversion rates, and donation volumes.
  • Conducted A/B testing to refine messaging and optimize campaign components for better results.


The Solution

The digital marketing initiatives significantly boosted Amnesty International's online presence and engagement, delivering impactful results:

  • Increased Awareness:
  • The campaigns reached an estimated 5 million people globally, with a marked increase in awareness of key human rights issues.
  • High Engagement Levels:
  • Social media engagement rates rose by 35%, with thousands of shares, likes, and comments driving further discussion and awareness.
  • The hashtag campaigns generated over 500,000 mentions, amplifying the visibility of Amnesty's causes.
  • Action & Participation:
  • Over 200,000 new petition signatures were gathered through targeted campaigns, significantly contributing to advocacy efforts.
  • There was a 40% increase in online donations, enabling Amnesty International to fund more projects and campaigns.
  • Supporter Growth:
  • The organization saw a 25% growth in email subscribers, indicating increased interest and willingness to stay informed about human rights issues.
  • Influencer & Celebrity Partnerships:

  • Collaborations with high-profile influencers and celebrities resulted in a significant boost in campaign visibility and credibility, with several posts reaching viral status.
Through this integrated digital marketing approach, Amnesty International was able to amplify its message, engage a broader audience, and drive meaningful actions that contribute to its mission of advocating for human rights worldwide. This case study highlights the effectiveness of leveraging digital channels and innovative strategies to mobilize support and create a lasting impact.
Overall, the campaign not only met but surpassed the client's expectations, positioning Bridgestone as a top choice for winter tires in the target markets. The success of this project demonstrated the power of an integrated digital marketing strategy tailored to the client's specific needs and market conditions.


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