Audi A3 App

Audi aimed to promote the Audi A3 model through an engaging BTL (Below-The-Line) promotional activity that would provide potential customers with an immersive experience.

Client: Audi
Service: Mobile development
Date: 2021

About the Project

The Challenge

The challenge was to create a mobile application that would:

  • Enhance Customer Engagement: Provide an interactive platform for potential customers to explore the features and benefits of the Audi A3.
  • Facilitate Data Collection: Collect valuable customer data and feedback during test drives and showroom visits.
  • Drive Sales & Test Drives: Encourage potential customers to book test drives and ultimately drive sales.

Our Approach

To address these challenges, we developed a sophisticated mobile application tailored to enhance the promotional experience for the Audi A3. The application featured several interactive and functional elements designed to engage users and streamline the promotional activities. Key components of our approach included:

  • Interactive Product Showcase:
  • Created a detailed, interactive 3D model of the Audi A3, allowing users to explore the car's exterior and interior features in a virtual environment.
  • Included hotspots on the 3D model that users could click to learn more about specific features such as the infotainment system, safety features, and engine specifications.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) Experience:
  • Integrated an AR feature that enabled users to visualize the Audi A3 in their own environment using their smartphone camera, giving them a realistic view of how the car would look in different settings.
  • Offered customization options within the AR experience, allowing users to change the car's color, wheels, and interior finishes.
  • Test Drive Booking System:
  • Implemented a streamlined booking system within the app, enabling users to easily schedule a test drive at their nearest Audi dealership.
  • Provided real-time availability of time slots and dealership locations, making the booking process convenient and user-friendly.
  • Customer Data Collection & Feedback:
  • Integrated a digital form for users to fill out during the promotional events, capturing contact information, interests, and feedback about the Audi A3.
  • Ensured that all data collection complied with privacy regulations, offering transparency and opt-in consent for users.
  • Gamification & Rewards:
  • Incorporated a gamified quiz about the Audi A3's features and history, offering users the chance to win exclusive Audi merchandise and promotional discounts.
  • Used a points system to encourage interaction with different parts of the app, such as viewing the 3D model, using the AR feature, or booking a test drive.
  • Push Notifications & Reminders:
  • Utilized push notifications to remind users of upcoming test drive appointments and notify them about new features, promotions, or events related to the Audi A3.
  • Analytics & Reporting:
  • Implemented analytics tools to track user interactions, test drive bookings, and engagement levels within the app.
  • Provided detailed reports to the Audi marketing team to help assess the effectiveness of the promotional activities and gather insights for future campaigns.


The Solution

The Audi A3 application proved to be an effective tool for enhancing customer engagement and promoting the Audi A3. Key outcomes included:

  • High User Engagement:
  • The interactive features, particularly the 3D model and AR experience, received positive feedback, with over 70% of users engaging with these elements during their app session.
  • Increased Test Drive Bookings:
  • The in-app booking system resulted in a 35% increase in test drive appointments compared to previous promotional activities, demonstrating the app's effectiveness in driving potential sales leads.
  • Valuable Customer Insights:
  • The data collected through the app provided valuable insights into customer preferences and demographics, helping Audi tailor future marketing strategies and product offerings.
  • Positive Brand Perception:
  • The app's innovative features and user-friendly design enhanced the brand's image as a leader in automotive technology and customer experience.
  • Successful Lead Generation:
  • The app contributed to generating a significant number of qualified leads, with follow-up campaigns leading to increased showroom visits and potential sales conversions.
This case study showcases the potential of leveraging mobile applications in BTL promotional activities to create immersive customer experiences, collect valuable data, and drive measurable business outcomes. The Audi A3 application not only engaged potential customers but also provided a seamless and innovative platform for exploring the features of the Audi A3, reinforcing Audi's reputation for excellence and innovation.


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